The oil mill and the organic company

“We are what we eat,
this is why we only produce healthy food”

- Francesco -

Our EMÉS agricultural company produces olives, almonds and seasonal vegetables. We are a 100% organic company, we love the environment and respect the territory, this is why we installed a 90 KW photovoltaic system 15 years ago, which allows us to give an extra boost to the entire supply chain and to make the mill energetically green

Whatever waste remains from olive processing is not thrown away, but transformed to provide hot water to power the system, keeping the temperature below 27° C, a necessary condition for the cold extraction of the oil. 

Respecting the territory means that it will respect you by offering its best fruits. Our products are, above all, a taste experience to be shared daily in a Mediterranean diet.

We strive to offer you unaltered and qualitatively superior products every day.

EMÉS extra virgin olive oil

We could talk about our olives for hours... The variety, the flavour, the health benefits, how they are grown, the right time to harvest them and how we process them directly in the mill. 


Our olives tell our story, they bear the mark of our family and our passion for nature, which we would like to share with you. It is what pushes us to work hard to promote the taste of our land wherever possible. 


They are cold pressed, unrefined, and extracted without the use of chemicals, almost caressed, until obtaining a clear, bright, healthy extra virgin oil with a unique taste that retains all its essential nutrients. 


There is no secret to selecting the best wines: you have to taste them. It is the exact same thing for olive oil. You have to use your senses to perceive the quality of the land and the work of the producer behind each exceptional olive oil. 


Each phase of the work is carried out with care so as to never alter the raw material. 


We could continue talking about our olives, but the best way to really get to know them is to taste our EMÉS extra virgin olive oil.

EMÉS almonds from Toritto

The almond is like a secret that must be known and revealed, breaking the shell that protects the seed. 

Our almonds tell a story of days in the summer sun, of childhood games spent anxiously awaiting the opening of the hull, and of gastronomic traditions linked to the territory. 


They tell the story of our family, of all of us, full of enthusiasm to lay the harvest tarps under the almond trees, which slowly fill with precious seeds. The almond tree is the first tree whose flowers bloom in spring, it symbolises the renewal of nature after winter: birth, the awakening of nature


Like a family that changes, but always remains linked by a passion for the land that has been handed down for generations, the EMÉS “Filippo Cea” cultivar almonds are a product created respecting a 100% sustainable circular supply chain. They stand out for their natural crunchiness and sweet flavour. Savouring them is a unique experience! Try them!


We never mix our oil with a lower quality oil to reduce costs

Our products are 100% organic, Made in Italy, the result of our work

We do not add chemical elements to increase production or alter aroma and taste

From the land of our home to the table of your home, for tastier and healthier foods. The words of Francesco and Antonella.

A family evo-lution

Some of our products

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